The world's lowest fee bitcoin-only brokerage, with novel automation tools for seamless cash management.Supra-institutional grade access to bitcoin/USD exchange for individuals and businesses.

Caliber features

Ultra-low fees

Fixed lifetime or yearly membership cost, then 0 fee, 0.1% spreads, undercutting Strike's "0 fee", 0.3% spread, and massively undercutting every bitcoin-only exchange that allows moderate or large volume, or Coinbase's "0 fee" 2% spread. (We achieve this with limit & market orders on a real exchange with market-leading liquidity depth as opposed to high-latency fixed-price OTC quotes that most brokerage apps use.)

A near-margin hardware store

Members will have access to correctly designed titanium seed plates in 6-packs for less than you'd pay for 2 stainless steel ones, and expand to other products over time e.g. low cost nodes & signing devices. Our business model is software, so we will commoditize and support open-source hardware.

Get on $X Automation

Better than DCA -- set X to any number you want, even 0. We'll automatically and instantly buy bitcoin whenever your bank balance goes above this, and sell it if it goes below this, giving you total liquidity of your bitcoin over the dollar network, in conjunction with your existing bank account. Caliber lets you live on bitcoin and buy dollars as you need spending liquidity, rather than living in dollars (coming soon).

Automated tax optimization

Get notified, or set threshold tools that automatically sell and rebuy to harvest losses. Ultra-low fees are critical: a 1% fee turns into 2% or $20k per million dollars if you want to tax loss harvest elsewhere. For those who are all-in and spend btc, we will automate lot selection so you always are selling the highest cost-basis coins first, even if they aren't from our exchange (coming soon).

New to Bitcoin or looking to learn more?We put together a website with a fantastic list of resources so you can better understand and start using Bitcoin today:The Official Bitcoin Website


This is what an exchange for the end-game looks like.

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